However its not an easy technique, and you need to be aware of several things: These tables give an overview of the needed resources to tame the Dinosaurs and Creatures of ARK. Most of the time the Bloodstalker will be very high up and so even being released can mean a death sentence, making a Parachute or Glider Suit often crucial to survival. Bloodstalkers are found high up waiting on tree branches, which means you can die from fall damage when escaping it's grasp. Once the effectiveness is at 100% percent, make sure you have blood packs in your inventory and allow yourself to be carried by the Desmodus to tame it. This page was last edited on 23 November 2022, at 05:43. You don't want them to fight! |- Sanctuary. | Deathworm Horn | 0.66x Speed | 50 Black Pearls | Breed so many that you can afford to lose them. However, it can only be properly used during the Alpha King Titan boss fight, so you need to assemble the Mega Mek only in the presence of the Alpha King Titan. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. Medical Brews/Food/Soups). | Tusoteuthis [6] Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. |- New players will notice that some taming times will be very high without the use of kibble, and be rightly discouraged. The Bloodstalker is very fast while swinging and there is a chance that if you land after a long swing the Area might not be loaded fully thus a rock or tree might load on top of you making you stuck. Tame a 5-6 pheomias, get each one to about 1500-1800 hp, let the blood stalker grab it and kill it, the taming effectiveness will go up by 5% on the first kill, it will jump up by 2% additionally per kill..took me about 4 pheomias to get it to 100% effectiveness 15 points Taming & KO Jan 13, 2021 Report | Mosasaurus, Giganotosaurus (5x Speed) But by pressing X, , or , it descends underwater to swim. Should the Bloodstalker's Health fall below 40%, it will siphon the blood of its rider in order to regenerate its health. This has been reported to help avoid the potential swarm attacks! | |45 | 1500 So. they like health. |- It will start draining the blood pack once latched very quickly, and will continue to do so until either there are no blood packs left, or it is tamed. | Raw Prime Meat Unlike many other creatures in ARK, this one can be tamed only by non-violent measures, which may seem unusual for many players considering the usual methods. Ranged weapons such as a Fabricated Sniper Rifle work best when afar. | Kibble (Carbonemys Egg) | Kibble (Archaeopteryx Egg) The six mantis-like arms are jointed and possess sharp spikes for grasping prey. Should the Bloodstalker's Health fall below 40%, it will siphon the blood of its rider in order to regenerate its health. | ** The Dung Beetle is not a Carnivore but prefers Spoiled Meat after it is tamed. | 5.2x Speed In order to inflict torpor on them, you will need to do damage to their head using a turret weapon. #Ark #Genesis #BloodstalkerSuccess! | Use the coordinates 75x and 80y to locate the Bloodstalkers. Be wary however, as the Blood Pack expires with 30 minutes without any form of preservation like Preserving Salt, searching to tame it must be done if blood packs are to be made immediately, and even more so as you need at most 1.5k Blood Packs in your inventory for a 150. Pressing. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 150 wild level + 74 level taming bonus + 88 domesticated level ups). | Crops | -15 | 1x Speed It also has great aerial control, being capable of parachuting by holding the LEFT CTRL button, and performing mid-air jumps (with an approximate 2.5 second cooldown between each jump). enters combat or starts dying of starvation). ENTER PROMO CODE: Nooblets | 60 | 2.96x Speed Some creatures and players can be webbed and pulled in for a feast. | | Rock Elemental | 53 |- |- |- Press J to jump to the feed. | Each of these tentacular legs have a foot with distinct parts. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They are very aggressive and will try to latch onto you as soon as you approach them. In order to 'tame' the said creatures, they have to be raised from birth. Although related, Rubble Golem can't be tamed. | Magmasaur Egg While walking across a group of rocks and stones, the Bloodstalker may get stuck or trapped. Once pulled in, punching allows you to possibly escape from the sticky fate. | | 50 When webbed, your vision will become blurry and the screen will begin to sway. Mastering web slinging with the Bloodstalker is tricky, but very useful once learned, and can be the main mode of travel in most situations. With the exception of Hyaenodon, Liopleurodon, Phoenix, and Troodon, they too follow the same process in waiting to become hungry enough to eat again. | 3.3x Speed By #Ark #Genesis #BloodstalkerSuccess! | 1x Speed |- | | 0.14x Speed With Blood Pack in the inventory (doesn't matter where, whether in the toolbar or not), locate a Bloodstalker (usually found on a giant tree) and let it latch onto you. The only way to be released is to punch it multiple times. Taming efficiency is going to be quite low during tame and in order to fix that, you need to sacrifice some tames to it 2. | 50 Which improvements are desirable will depend on the animal's species and intended use. | The web will remain on the Bloodstalker until either LEFT CTRL button or jump button is used, allowing the survivor to latch onto certain creature in suspension. Taming efficiency is going to be quite low during tame and in order to fix that, you need to sacrifice some tames to it 2. | It will take around 5-6 to get a wild bloodstalker to 100%. | 120 |- The following creatures are currently not tamable except by use of the forcetame command. While the Taming multiplier affects the amount of blood pack required to tame the Bloodstalker, the level of the creature used as sacrifice are unaffected by the multiplier. | Dire Bear This section displays the Bloodstalker's natural colors and regions. | Rock Elemental Bloodstalker egg stats rarely appear in an incubator. drumpleskump 10 mo. |- By default, the efficiency starts at a low percentage (around 50%). Taming Speed is derived from Taming Affinity Per Consumption / Food Value Per Consumption of a particular food versus the baseline (usually Raw Meat or Other Berries). | 135 An unconscious creature proves an appetising meal for smaller carnivores that may not even attack when said creature is conscious; be vigilant defending your tame as even a small group of. Additionally, acts as a method of echolocation, causing nearby creatures and players to emit red waves around them revealing their positions. | 25 | enters combat or starts dying of starvation). | 7.5x Speed Bloodstalkers are found high up waiting on tree branches, which means you can die from fall damage when escaping it's grasp. | Diplodocus A level 145 Bloodstalker tamed with 8 of my own tames and 1175 Blood Packs! Eerie Creatures cannot be tamed by default at where its originated from. |- | 25 The amount of bonus levels gained is proportional to the Taming Effectiveness (so 50% TE is 25% bonus levels). Also, Blood packs are much lighter than raw meat. Taming Effectiveness (TE) determines the number of bonus levels that a creature will gain upon completion of the taming. Previously, wild Bloodstalkers could be knocked out for knockout tames. |1x Speed |- Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. | data-sort-value="3" | 3x Speed Herbivores will eat. | Dead Fish For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Bloodstalker. | Basilosaurus |- Note that the values are for optimal cases, always bring extra supplies! TL;DR: Feed tames to Bloodstalkers to tame them faster. Mejoberry for Herbivores and Raw Meat for Carnivores). Your tamed animals can die from starvation even while you are offline, so be sure there is enough food in their inventory. Since the taming of a Bloodstalker is a non-violent process, this is exactly what you want, so let the creature latch onto you. Lastly, bring a Bug Repellent along the way, as there are lots of attacking bugs in the swamp. Have lots of bloodpacks ready. A 210 Ptera killed by the Bloodstalker brought taming efficiency from 37% to 54% on a level 20 Bloodstalker. 1. |1x Speed | Giganotosaurus Egg Taming is standard x1 during the shooting of this video. 1Recksy1 10 mo. I try to use dodos as sacrifice but they keep escaping even on PASSIVE, can someone pls help. Repeat this process until the taming bar is filled. * = Tamed Titanosaur will refuse to eat anything, and will not regain hunger through any methods and will eventually starve to death. Some dinos must be tamed with unique methods. Having Bug Repellant while taming can be useful, as it wards off the bogs prominent Insect Swarms from attacking and potentially interrupting the tame. | 1.5x Speed |? | Mantis | |N/A[7] Speed | 25 After about 5k hp I took it to a bloodstalker and fed it to him and then let the bloodstalker grab me. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. SUPER EASY BLOODSTALKER TAME 2021! The optimal temperature for a Bloodstalker egg in the incubator is 29C, Shooting a low level bloodstalker will cause it to fall off its branch, allowing it to be killed more easily on the ground. The Bloodstalker is a bizarre arthropod that may be most closely compared to a spider, but even that is not very accurate. Taming high level creatures without kibble greatly decreases taming effectiveness, negating the advantages of taming a high level creature. Pages that were created prior to April 2022 are from the Fandom ARK: Survival Evolved wiki. | Oviraptor They are squishy! Efficiency does not drop once it is raised, allowing taming to be safely made without risking any lowering of efficiency. |- | 1x Speed E.g., the same amount of XP will take an animal tamed at level 1 to level 2, or tamed at level 26 to level 27, etc. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Bloodstalker will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Archived post. |? Bloodstalker will feast on such creature's blood, replenishing both its Health and Food. | Spoiled Meat | Stone | Kibble (Therizinosaurus Egg) Taming Calculator Passive Put Blood Packs in your inventory and let the Bloodstalker trap you and consume the Blood Packs. | Mejoberry Holding the corresponding left/right mouse button pulls the Bloodstalker towards the attached area/creature, building momentum, and when pressing jump right, will allow it to jump farther up than intended. Tames can be set to passive behavior prior to the sacrifice. An unprepared survivor can easily be killed by a Bloodstalker. |1x Speed |300 | You can also keep Blood Packs in your inventory to feed your spider instead of it being fed by you. If bugspray runs out open your inventory and stay in there until the tame is done. Once pulled in, punching allows you to possibly escape from the sticky fate. The Bloodstalker is an aggressive creature, often found perched under ceilings, walls, caves and trees. Privacy Policy. Stay clear, or risk being webbed multiple times. ! As with violent tames, you can bulk-feed a starved creature with an approximately 5-10 second delay between feedings. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. | Basilisk | 20 For every level above 1, the animal has an improvement made at random to one of its base stats. Other Bloodstalkers may try to grab you while your already being succ'd, in order to stop that, kill all other Bloodstalkers in the visible area 3. | For a level-dependent count of resources needed, try an external taming calculator. A 210 Ptera killed by the Bloodstalker brought taming efficiency from 37% to 54% on a level 20 Bloodstalker. |- FYI I also tested some smaller dinos including micro raptors which the bloodstalker wasnt interested in at all. I still have yet to tame a Bloodstalker, but let me know how many blood bags you end up using. Often times, preparation is impossible and being hit by a webbing is imminent. Keep an eye out for other players or predators, as they may try to harm your unconscious creature. Moreover, if the rider pulls out a Weapon, the Bloodstalker will adjust its height to allow for a clearer shot. Due to the complete reset if you move too far away and the fact most long-duration non-violent tames don't have sufficient food to be substantially starved: this trick is only really helpful for taming skittish Ichthys or monkeys . There is two bars when you tame a bloodstalker. Left Mouse button slings one web either at the wall or at a target, whereas Right Mouse button sling both webs. At this point - the taming effectiveness and taming progress will not begin to diminish unless the creature starts taking damage (i.e. This only works on carnivores. +4% per level refers to 4% of the post-tame value) and breeding, and so maximizing Taming Effectiveness is vital for procuring the best creatures. | Kaprosuchus -Activate your glider suit or your parachute to get down. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Almost all creatures its size or smaller are susceptible to this grapple attack - including the player. Sacrificing players does not increase the taming efficiency, however it does increase the taming progress. Not sure whether they meant the bonus levels or the taming progress though. One bar is your normal taming bar and another is the "taming efficiency modifier". When webbed, your vision will become blurry and the screen will begin to sway. | ! it took me arround 800 with his basic 30% effectiveness | 25.1x The entire back is plated with chitinous armor and several strange pillar-like protrusions. While entering water, it can choose between water-walking and swimming (via submerging) by toggling the "X" button (L1 and L3 on console). Switching webbing and letting go of webbing will often make the Bloodstalker twirl in the air. If your tame gets hit you can let it wake up to reset the taming effectiveness. The Bloodstalker is a bizarre arthropod that may be most closely compared to a spider, but even that is not very accurate. This was fixed at v, Rather humorously, If a survivor has ingested beer (. The Bloodstalker is usually encountered by surprise: when it grapples you with its web attack from far away. Tames seem to be the way to go, but it needs a lot of them. Not all creatures can be tamed. | Purlovia | Archaeopteryx Only settings slightly buffed is Maturation and Egg Hatching. It seems to prioritize you over everything else unless youre prone, so leading hostile creatures to it without being killed yourself doesnt seem super easy. Bloodstalker egg stats rarely appear in an incubator. Here's the Bloodstalker I tamed, lv 55 using only 198 bloodpacks while it should be 260 . They are easy to tame This section describes how to fight against the Bloodstalker. Using Left Ctrl at the same time as jumping allows you to double jump and fall and double jump indefinitely, keeping your position above the ground. | 53 | 75 Keep in mind that fall damage becomes a great concern once released, since they often grapple you from above. If you can manage the swaying screen, you can kill them with ranged weaponry. Be wary of approaching a Bloodstalker's habitat, for there are often more Bloodstalkers within close vicinity of each other. Bloodstalker is tamed non-violently, rather than through the usual methods. Taming bloodstalkers is almost near impossible, if you shoot a bloodstalker hanging from a tree is should ALWAYS fall to the ground not sometimes, this would help survivors pick which bloodstalkers they want to tame without having 500 other ones trying to attack them. This information can be used to alter the Bloodstalker's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor
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